Sous-module | Modelling HSN - Humains needs and sustainility

Description (résumé du contenu, plan du module, titre du grains, ...) Objectif du module : Understand the concepts of human needs and sustainability and reflect on the links.
Definition :“Strong sustainability: Among two main models of sustainability (weak and strong), strong sustainability captures the essence of irreversible, dynamic and hierarchical relationships between environment, society and economy while weak sustainability model creates a bias towards economy creating a detriment for environment and society. Therefore, businesses should strategize towards innovation with a strong sustainability approach and circumstances at institutional level should be created to support this.System thinking: Sustainability is a system property and not a property of individual system elements. Therefore, products, services, technologies and organizations cannot be regarded as sustainable on their own right but they may be elements of sustainable socio-technical systems. Therefore, design and innovation for sustainability should adopt a systems thinking approach as a reference to evaluate product / service concepts within which the system they will be produced / consumed.
Auteur du module Reyes Tatiana
Type de pédagogie Cours magistral
Fichier : module_Humainsneedsandsustainility.scar Télécharger
Avancement Relu par la communauté
Champ de recherche
  • Sciences Humaines et Sociales
  • CE1 Systémique