Ecological ethics and strong sustainability in education

Résumé : description et détails (qui ? quoi ? quand ? où ?) Teaching sustainability and ecological ethics in higher technological education is a difficult activity. Our work focused on three pedagogical activities: the Climate Fresk, a workshop on "oupting out", and a hackathon on eco-design. We analysed these activities, conducted inside and outside the walls of the university, which deal with sustainability and ecological ethics in the context of design practice. The results show that ecological ethics and strong sustainability in design are both difficult to address but nevertheless possible, and that the role of facilitators in learning activities is crucial for students to gain maturity on these issues.

The document attached to this project sheet is our full analysis of each learning activity according to the analysis grid we have constructed.

You can complete the information by taking the analysis grid and applying it to other learning activities.
Fichier : Case_studies__EN.pdf Télécharger
Etat d'avancement du projet En cours
Porteurs du projet (Noms, Institutions) Santiago Perez (UTT), Lou Grimal (UTT), Claudine Gillot (UTT)
Personne contact Grimal Lou
Type de ressource Projet de recherche
Format de la documentation / publication
  • autre
Autres institutions partenaire (de préférence : nom, acronyme, site)  Université européenne de technologie (EUt+)
Champ de recherche
  • Autre
  • CE3 Action